Pakistan Gears Up for Digital Revolution 200,000 km Fiber & More
Pakistan Gears Up for Digital Revolution 200,000 km Fiber & More

Fasten your digital seatbelts, Pakistan! The country is embarking on a transformative journey, laying a massive 200,000 kilometers of optical fiber cable underfoot. This game-changer promises to revolutionize connectivity, bringing high-speed internet to even the most remote villages.

Read More: Pakistan’s Fintech Woes: Navigating Challenges for Digital Growth

But the fiber project is just the first step. The government is weaving a comprehensive digital tapestry, with initiatives designed to:

  • Empower IT firms: New policies allow IT companies to retain 50% of their earnings in dollars, boosting investment and job creation.
  • Equip the future: A global-standard training program will hone the skills of 200,000 recent IT graduates, ensuring they’re ready to thrive in the digital age.
  • Unleash the freelancer wave: The long-standing hurdle of digital payment gateways for freelancers has been tackled. Starting February, a pilot project will create 10,000 accounts, letting freelancers receive payments directly and seamlessly.
  • Build 10,000 co-working spaces: These dedicated hubs will offer freelancers a professional environment, fostering collaboration and innovation. The goal? To increase annual IT exports to $10 billion and employ 100,000 freelancers!
  • Unlock 5G: Obstacles to the 5G spectrum auction are being cleared, paving the way for lightning-fast internet speeds in the near future.
  • Connect the dots: The implementation of the Right of Way Policy streamlines infrastructure development, removing bureaucratic roadblocks.
  • Resolve disputes: The establishment of the Telecommunication Tribunal provides a dedicated platform for resolving issues within the telecom sector, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Nurture innovation: The Pakistan Startup Fund provides vital resources for young entrepreneurs, while Research and Development Funds support mobile phone manufacturing companies.
  • Embrace the stars: The new Space Policy opens the satellite internet market, offering exciting opportunities for global collaboration.

This ambitious digital roadmap paints a future brimming with possibilities. Pakistan is poised to leapfrog into the forefront of the digital age, fostering economic growth, job creation, and unleashing the potential of its citizens. The fiber cables may run beneath the soil, but the network they create promises to weave Pakistan into a vibrant, interconnected hub of progress and innovation.

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