7th Population and Housing Census have started today
7th Population and Housing Census have started today
7th Population and Housing Census have started today
7th Population and Housing Census have started today

Field activities of 7th Population and Housing Census have started today all over Pakistan digitally for the first time in the history of  country. Chief Census Commissioner Dr Naeem uz Zafar inaugurated the field activities by marking first Building Structure in ‘House Listing App’. Meanwhile, the inauguration in all divisions was carried out by respective Commissioners.

Read More: Pakistan’s First-Ever Digital Census

The citizens of Pakistan being the most important stakeholders and beneficiary of the census are urged to ensure their full participation and cooperation during census field operation.  The participation in the census is not only our moral, legal obligation but also provide the opportunity to the government to devise evidence base policy planning for ensuring our rights and better service delivery at our doorstep.

PBS has already launched self-enumeration portal https://self.pbs.gov.pk since 20th February, 2023 which is 1st ever opportunity provided in the South Asia. The response of the citizens to get registered themselves and get enumerated through the portal is tremendous.

The participation of the citizens in the census through self-enumerated portal is phenomenal as well as beyond the expectation.  PBS has been striving to make the portal more users friendly on the basis of valuable feedback of the citizens and citizens are encouraged to provide their feedback and complaints through our toll free number 0800-57574 for further facilitation, assistance and suggestions.

The inauguration was followed by the brief media talk by the Chief Census Commissioner Dr Naeem uz Zafar and spokesman (PBS)/ Member SS/RM Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal in which the media was briefed about the Digital Census’s background, Progress till date and appreciate the involvement of all stakeholders.

He appreciated the succession of self-enumeration portal and predict that same progress will be seen during the full roll-out of enumeration activity.   This Census will geo tag all structures of Pakistan that will provide framework for economic census.  970800 Enumerators are fully motivated and engaged in door-to-door field activities which was started early today in all over the Pakistan.


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