The CDWP meeting presided over by Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Mohammad Jehanzeb Khan, approved 8 projects worth Rs. 30.2 Billion while recommended 2 projects worth Rs. 65.9 Billion to the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) for further consideration.
Secretary Planning Abdul Aziz Uqaili, senior officers from Planning Commission and Federal Ministries/Divisions participated in the meeting, while representatives from Provincial Governments participated through video conferences. Projects related to health, higher education, physical planning & housing and water sectors were presented before the forum. 4 position papers and 1 concept clearance proposal also came under discussion. Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination, presented the projects worth Rs. 25.8 Billion which were granted approval.
The project namely Establishment of 200 Bedded Mother & Child Hospital Distt. Rajanpur with the total cost of Rs. 7,476.728 Million was granted approval. The project is proposed to be financed through PSDP under COVID-19 Umbrella PC-I titled ” COVID-19 responsive and other natural calamities”. The project would improve access of marginalized communities and widely scattered population of low socio-economic group to quality maternity and immediate new-born care through provision of high quality EmONC services, strengthen preventive services and achieve optimum respective SDG health indicators ensuring service delivery by trained, skilled and well-equipped staff.
CDWP approved the project namely Procurement of MRI equipment for Radiology Department, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences worth Rs. 463.450 million. The project is proposed to be financed through PSDP. The project envisages installation and upgradation of MRI and CT equipment in Radiology Department of PIMS to ensure the continuity of the already existing services and to improve the quality and magnitude of the services for the deserving patients.
The revised project titled Development of Integrated Disease and Response System (IDSRS) with Public Health Laboratories Network (PHLN) and Workforce worth Rs. 4544.158 Million was also accorded approval. The Project is included in the current PSDP 2021-22. The project is funded under COVID 19 umbrella PC-I titled “COVID-19 Responsive and Other Natural Calamities Control Program”.
The project envisages early detection of communicable diseases that may pose public health threat and to generate an early response to mitigate the impact of outbreak. The revised PC-I is submitted by sponsors with additional scope of conducting Feasibility study for Infectious Disease Laboratory (IDL). The project has four components i.e. strengthening of Field Epidemiology & Disease Surveillance (FEDS) system, development of national Public Health Laboratories Network (PHLN) and transition to Field Epidemiology and Laboratories Training Program (FELTP) with Human Resource (HR) development and feasibility study for the Infectious Disease Laboratory (IDL) to be conducted at NIH.
The PC-II (2nd Revised) of Project Readiness Financing for KP Cities Improvement Project worth Rs. 1,501.950 was given approval by CDWP. The project is proposed to be financed through foreign funding. Under Social welfare sector, CDWP forum approved the project titled ICT Child Labour Survey, Islamabad with total cost of Rs. 57.818 million. The project would be financed through PSDP and foreign funding.
Ministry of Water Resources presented two projects worth Rs. 65.9 Billion which were recommended to ECNEC. The 2nd revised project namely Gomal Zam Dam Multipurpose Project to be located in District DeraIsmailKhan, Tank, in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa with the total cost of Rs. 25,928.35 was recommended to ECNEC. The project is proposed to be financed through foreign funding. Main objective of the project is to harness flood water to provide assured irrigation water supply of 848 cusecs (peak discharge of 24 Cumecs) to irrigate 191,139 acres of land including 28,053 acres additional land which falls under the command of Waran Canal System and generate 17.4 MW electricity. Other objectives include flood mitigation and the employment generation in the region by enhanced farm production.
Another project presented by Ministry of Water Resources was Naulong Multipurpose Dam Project Jhal Magsi (3rd Revised). The total cost of the project is Rs. 39,944.52 Million and it was recommended to ECNEC. The 80% project financing would be through Asian Development Bank while 20% would be financed through PSDP. WAPDA will be responsible for implementation of Dam and allied works (i.e. Auxiliary dam, spillway, fuse plug, outlet works, tunnel) Power houses, irrigation system, Command Area Development Work, Water Shed Management Works, provision of common point for water supply scheme and E&M works related to power house, gates etc.