Pakistan's Telecom Sector Advances with Approval of Telecom Infrastructure Sharing Framework
Pakistan’s Telecom Sector Advances with Approval of Telecom Infrastructure Sharing Framework

The Federal Government has granted approval to the Telecom Infrastructure Sharing Framework (TISF), marking a significant milestone for Pakistan’s telecommunications sector. Developed collaboratively by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoIT&T), and the telecom industry, the TISF serves as a regulatory mechanism facilitating the equitable and competitive sharing of both active and passive telecom infrastructure among licensees.

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The implementation of this framework is expected to expedite the growth and sustainability of Pakistan’s telecom sector, addressing a longstanding industry need for a mechanism to facilitate telecom infrastructure sharing. Given the challenges faced by the sector, including the substantial capital expenditures required for expanding 4G and 5G networks, connecting remote areas, and ensuring cost-effective capacity growth, the TISF is poised to provide a solution by streamlining infrastructure sharing, thereby reducing both capital (CapEx) and operating (OpEx) costs.

Beyond industry benefits, consumers are anticipated to experience cost savings and improved services resulting from simplified and cost-effective network deployment. The framework aims to foster a fair and competitive environment, promoting service differentiation and enhancing the overall customer experience. Apart from its economic implications, the TISF is expected to act as a catalyst for the timely introduction of new services, expanding coverage and reducing Time to Market (TTM) for innovative products.

The framework addresses telecom operators’ spectrum limitations and encourages optimal asset utilization for resource optimization through collaboration and shared resources. The PTA is optimistic about the positive impact of the Telecom Infrastructure Sharing Framework on Pakistan’s telecom sector, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts in executing the framework and advancing Pakistan as a leading digital economy. By encompassing non-electronic and physical infrastructure, the framework seeks to optimize resources and support long-term growth in the telecom sector, extending the definition of telecom infrastructure sharing beyond electronic components.

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