Warning Issued to Online Sellers: Avoid Keeping Large Sums in Easypaisa/Jazz Cash Accounts
Warning Issued to Online Sellers: Avoid Keeping Large Sums in Easypaisa/Jazz Cash Accounts

Online sellers are being urged to transfer funds from their mobile wallets, particularly Easypaisa, to their bank accounts on a daily basis due to increasing incidents of accounts being blacklisted without warning.

Read More: Frustration Over Poor Service: Jazz Mobile Tower Cut Down by Locals in Bajaur

One such case came to light when an online seller, who regularly receives payments through JazzCash and Easypaisa, shared that they ensure all funds are transferred to their bank account by 10 PM every night. The seller cited the growing unreliability of money transfer services, specifically Easypaisa, as the reason behind this precaution.

Recently, a shopkeeper reported that their Easypaisa account was abruptly blacklisted with a balance of PKR150,000. Upon contacting the helpline, they were informed that PKR10,000 had been transferred to their account from an individual involved in fraudulent activities. As a result, both accounts were blacklisted. Despite explaining that the payment was made by a customer for a legitimate purchase, the issue remained unresolved.

The shopkeeper was directed to raise a complaint through Easypaisa’s social channels. However, after two weeks of persistent messaging and sending justification letters, no response was received. Eventually, the helpline advised them to contact Telenor Microfinance Bank in Karachi. After spending PKR20,000 on travel expenses, the bank’s head office in Clifton informed the shopkeeper that they could not assist and that the matter should continue to be pursued through social channels.

This incident is not isolated, as the shopkeeper encountered at least 30 others facing similar issues at the bank’s office.

In light of these events, online traders are strongly advised to transfer funds to their bank accounts promptly and avoid leaving significant sums in mobile wallets overnight. If necessary, make daily transfers to ensure your funds are secure.

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