Foodpanda Riders Rev Up Protest Outside Lahore Press Club
Foodpanda Riders Rev Up Protest Outside Lahore Press Club

A sea of Foodpanda riders, clad in their familiar jackets, gathers outside the Lahore Press Club, their placards held high. Chants of “Fair commission! Respect our work!” echo through the air, drawing attention to their plight.

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The delivery heroes who keep the wheels of Pakistan’s online food delivery juggernaut turning are demanding justice. Foodpanda riders, frustrated by what they perceive as unfair practices and low wages, took their grievances to the heart of Lahore’s media landscape on Wednesday.

Low Pay, High Profits: At the heart of their protest lies the issue of commission. Riders claim their current share of the delivery fee is meager compared to what Foodpanda pockets. They allege that while they struggle to make ends meet, the company bags a hefty 70% or more from each order.

Foodpanda Riders Rev Up Protest Outside Lahore Press Club
Foodpanda Riders Rev Up Protest Outside Lahore Press Club

“We work long hours, brave the elements, and face countless risks,” shared a rider, his voice hoarse from chanting. “Yet, our pay barely covers the cost of fuel and bike maintenance. Meanwhile, Foodpanda rakes in profits on our backs.”

More Than Just Money: The protest extends beyond just wages. Riders also raised concerns about:

  • Long working hours with inadequate breaks.
  • Lack of safety gear and proper training.
  • Unfair termination practices.
  • Disrespectful treatment from customers and restaurant staff.

Their demands are clear:

  • Increase the commission rate to ensure a living wage.
  • Improve working conditions and provide safety equipment.
  • Implement transparent and fair termination policies.
  • Treat riders with respect and dignity.

Beyond Foodpanda: This protest goes beyond Foodpanda; it’s a call for change in the gig economy itself. As online platforms like Foodpanda and others flourish, the rights and well-being of the workers who power them deserve equal attention.

The Foodpanda riders’ protest is a stark reminder that the convenience of online deliveries comes at a cost. It’s time to ensure that the heroes who deliver our meals are treated with the respect and fair compensation they deserve.

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