Since its inception, the local manufacturing industry in Pakistan has been suffering major blows — whether that be in the form of power outages or surging electricity costs. While the electricity prices for manufacturers stand at a whopping USD 0.14kWh (and expected to rise more and more), the production costs are increasing day by day resulting in lower profits and even the termination of operations in some serious scenarios. Considering this deteriorating situation now is the right time, local industries should start thinking about an inexpensive, independent, and more reliable source of electricity like Solar Energy. This article will cover the implications of renewable energy for Pakistan’s local industry and how it is the perfect choice to go for — in both the short and the long run!
Let’s start with talking about the major contributor of electricity to the national grid supply, the infamous fossil fuels. The prices of fossil fuels are highly dependent on the international market as Pakistan has to import oil to continue its operations. And as the prices of fossil fuels increase, the costs of electricity generation are bound to skyrocket. Ultimately affecting all operations, from production to packaging and transportation that forces most of the industries to minimize their profit margins, face business loss or embarrassment due to lags in production, and inability to meet their financial goals in the due time.
All of these problems have one solution, an energy source that is reliable, independent of other factors, and comparatively much inexpensive. Solar solutions provide an uninterrupted supply of electricity at almost 1/5th the costs of traditional electricity options. This will not only lead to reduced electricity bills but also make sure that your operations keep on running in a smooth, economically practical, and most efficient manner.
On top of all that, shifting to solar will enhance your company’s public image for good. People today are conscious about the brands they join hands with. Having an eco-friendly, low carbon footprint, and renewable-powered tag on your products will definitely improve your public reputation and skyrocket your sales. Moreover, industrial units with solar systems installed on their rooftops have a 3-4% higher property value. And the best part is that solar systems don’t require any grand maintenance at all. All you have to do is to make sure that they don’t get much dusty and enjoy free electricity for the next 25 years!
Now, as you are all ready to make this shift, the very next and important step is to start looking for a reliable solar energy company to partner with. Zonergy has been proudly providing A-Grade solar solutions to the Pakistani government (Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park, Punjab Energy Department, PEECA, Balochistan Government), educational institutes, and all-sized industrial units (NLC Solar Project on Wahga Border, AlFateh Floor Rice Mills located in Kasur, Al-Manzor Cotton Farm located in D.G. Khan) since 2015. And currently holds the largest market share in terms of solarization of the Pakistani industry. Zonergy has been most favorites Solar brand of Pakistan with specialize technical services and outreach in every corner of the country.
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