Indus Motor Company (IMC) has released its Sustainability Report for the FY 2021, the sixth one since 2016. The Report is prepared in line with internationally recognized, GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards, covering the three pillars of sustainability – Economy, Environment and Social – and also complies with the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
The Report has been given a total fresh look, visually appealing and covers information about the company’s activities and impacts for the last financial year. The essence of the theme, ‘Looking to a Happier World’, has been aptly captured both on the cover and inside.

Expressing his views, the company’s Chief Executive, Ali Asghar Jamali, said, “As a frontrunner in sustainability in the industry, the Report gives us an excellent opportunity to showcase IMC as a ‘Concern Beyond Cars’ company, which is the slogan for our social responsibility program.”
He further went on to say, “The risk of climate change remained the top risks for 2021. We are committed to investing in cleaner technologies and are aligned with the Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050, which strives to reduce the environmental burden attributed to automobiles to as close to zero as possible. We have recently announced an investment of over US$100 million in Toyota’s latest generation Hybrid Electric Technology for our customers in Pakistan, which will help reduce carbon footprint of our vehicles, in line with the vision of our honourable Prime Minister, Imran Khan.”
IMC has been in the forefront of giving back to people in the areas of Education, Health and Safety and Environmental Conservation, and won several awards and accolades for its CSR impacts and initiatives. – End
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